Protects cladding on insulated pipes

Energy Pipe Protection

Damaged cladding/sheating in facilities may occur when installation and other work is to be carried out in areas with access challenges. Sometimes the only option for the worker is to step on the insulated pipes, in other cases to shorten the walk. This type of damage can both lead to water ingression and increased risk of corrosion under insulation (CUI).

Product video


ENERGY PipeProtection™

ENERGY PipeProtection™ produced of GRP material, prevents dam¬ge on cladding/sheathing and prevents corrosion under insulation. As a result of this prevention, ENERGY PipeProtection™ will strengthens the integrity of the system and reduced maintenance costs.

Let’s talk

+47 909 98 590

Oddgeir Samuelsen

Department Manager, Production - Bryne



