Let’s talk



KAEFER Energy is a leading provider of ISS solutions for major new build-, modification- and maintenance projects in the energy industry.


Carrer Day 2025

Satisfied employees are essential for satisfied customers. KAEFER wants all employees to be satisfied with the environment at work - and to take care of their own health.
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KAEFER's solutions and deliveries help extend the life of our customers' plant and equipment and reduce life cycle costs.
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KAEFER is a leading provider within ISS solutions for major new build-, modification- and maintenance projects in the energy industry. We offer expertise at all project stages in the disciplines of insulation, scaf­fold­ing, rope ac­cess, sur­face pro­tec­tion, in­terior out­fit­ting and en­gin­eer­ing.
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KAEFER En­ergy has ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence and ex­pert­ise within our ser­vices re­lated to new build-, modi­fic­a­tion- and main­ten­ance pro­jects.
