
Efficient method for renovation of cold pipes in operation

Op­er­a­tional plants equipped with cryo­genic pipes can with­stand tem­per­at­ures down to -160° C. If the in­su­la­tion on the pipes re­moves while in op­er­a­tion, a layer of ice will im­me­di­ately form on the out­side of the pipes due to the hu­mid­ity in the at­mo­sphere. Re­place­ment of in­su­la­tion on cryo­genic pipes has pre­vi­ously been a main­ten­ance job that has only taken place dur­ing audit shut­downs.

KAEFER En­ergy in­tro­duces a method that makes it pos­sible to ren­ov­ate cryo­genic pipes even in op­er­a­tion. To avoid ice and thus be able to re­pair any cor­ro­sion be­fore the pipes are re-in­su­lated, the renov­a­tion area is equipped with hab­itat and a ma­chine that pro­duces ex­tremely dry air (KAEFER LowHu­mid­itySys­tem-KLHS), thus elim­in­at­ing all hu­mid­ity in the room.

Sys­tem­atic, safe – with en­vir­on­mental be­ne­fits

The method is ef­fi­cient, safe, and timesav­ing. The pipes are in­spec­ted, and the con­di­tion of the pipe is as­sessed on site, so that the work­ers quickly can re-in­su­late the pipes.

It is a ad­vant­age that renov­a­tion of cryo­genic pipes can be car­ried out out­side audit shut­downs. The op­er­a­tion is more pre­dict­able, more work con­tinu­ity, and the in­spec­tion and main­ten­ance activ­it­ies take place ac­cord­ing to plan, without en­coun­ter­ing un­fore­seen obstacles.

Re­mov­ing in­su­la­tion whenever you want – and not just dur­ing an audit shut­down – also proves to be an en­vir­on­mental be­ne­fit. Now there are no time lim­its nor which in­su­la­tion re­place­ments must be pri­or­it­ized. The in­su­la­tion can be re­placed con­tinu­ously and much of the en­ergy loss is pre­ven­ted.

KAEFER En­ergy works con­tinu­ously to ad­opt ef­fi­cient and user-friendly meth­ods in the field of in­su­la­tion. This cre­ates, among other things, con­trolled, tar­geted and pre­dict­able work op­er­a­tions, at the same time as it gives cost and time sav­ings be­ne­fit for every­one in­volved.
