
Autonom­ous blast­ing

KAEFER En­ergy’s autonom­ous ro­bot is de­ve­loped in Aus­tralia and can be used in everything from tanks and bridges, even in com­plex and dan­ger­ous areas. An op­er­ator is placed on the out­side of the work field re­spons­ible for su­per­vising the equip­ment and to en­sure the work pro­gress is ac­cord­ing to plan.

Unique software

The ro­bot is placed in the op­er­a­tion area loc­ated ex­actly where it is ac­cord­ing to the 3D in­form­a­tion.

Favorable working conditions

Un­like to tra­di­tional blast­ing where two op­er­at­ors must be em­ployed at the same time; of­ten in chal­len­ging work con­di­tions due to noise, dust, poor vis­ib­il­ity and er­go­nom­ics, this blast­ing ro­bot works con­tinu­ously un­til the work is done. The ro­bot is easy to in­stall due to its light weight.
